My Bundle of Joy
It all started on 26 November 2008. That was the day when I received my second promotion and my rank was elevated from a bachelor to a husband and now to a husband and a father. Based on my 6-month experience, I must confess that wearing two hats simultaneously is never an easy job.
That’s right HE is now 7 months old. HE smiles and giggles and coos and stumbles and chews and burps and pees and farts and really poos. It is difficult to explain, but no matter what HE did, everything is a surprise and a very pleasant surprise indeed. I am sure HE still has a bunch of tricks and surprises up his sleeves.
Living in
As Father’s Day is celebrated on different date according to countries, I guess it still relevant and acceptable for me to wish Happy Fathers’s day to all my friends as well as to those-who-gonna-be-father-soon and to-those-who-are-still-single-and-hopefully-will-end-their-bachelorhood-soon. To Mothers and gonna be Moms, what else can I say, thank you for becoming the vessel to bring us Man, this BUNDLE OF JOY!
I don’t know about you guys, but for me HIS magical moment which continues to awe me is the serenity of HIS face when HE sleeps. If only the moment could be shared, I believe it will flush out all the sufferings in this world.
I dedicated this song to all the parents in this world. The song by the group Micheal Learns to Rock (MLTR) called sleeping child, is best to describe my feelings whenever the sun retire.
The Milky Way upon the heavens
is twinkling just for you
and Mr. Moon he came by
to say goodnight to you
I'll sing for you I'll sing for mother
We're praying for the world
and for the people everywhere
gonna show them all we care
Oh my sleeping child the world's so wild
but you've built your own paradise
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping child
If all the people around the world
they had a mind like yours
we'd have no fighting and no wars
here would be lasting peace on Earth
If all the kings and all the leaders
could see you here this way
they would hold the Earth in their arms
they would learn to watch you play
Oh my sleeping child the world's so wild but you've build your own paradise
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping child
Keep you away from the world so wild