Dear All,

In line with the Hari Raya Spirit, allow me to wish everyone again Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. I sincerely hope that everyone's digestive system would not be facing any "technical glitches" due to "overwhelming intake" of Ketupat, Rendang, Lemang, Almond London, Kuih Tat Nenas, Kek Lapis (and the list continues...) I do hope that all the weights that we have lost during the fasting months will be recovered "exponentially" rather than "dramatically". Though the latter seems to be more prominent and likely in my case.

I just wanna share an article which i read on the fourth day of Hari Raya. The article was written by Syed Nazri, published in the NST dated October 16, entitled Being Physically and Spritually Sorry.

The article is about an E-Hari Raya Card that was sent by a company name Crush Communication. It was a cunning move by the company to come up with such a profound message that nudges us to contemplate on the intrinsic meaning of staple phrase we keep on saying to one another year after year but at times never actually living up to its spirit.

The greeting card appears simple but the contents is really riveting.
It starts with:

For sending you the dullest Raya card ever"

Every Hari Raya, our muslim friends will use greeting so simple in its execution, many forget its significance. The greeting maaf zahir batin which translate loosely to " I seek forgiveness (from you) physically and spiritually for Hari Raya means a time to reconcile and renew relationships with others.

Forgiveness is something we should all practise. Not just for Hari Raya but every day. we should celebrate it and embrace it as an essential part of our lives.

There is nothing so bad that cannot be forgiven. Hurt will never heal until you forgive.

If you are at war with others, you cannot be at peace with yourself. You can let go and forgive. It takes no physical strength to let go only courage.

Forgiveness is the single most important process that can bring peace to our souls and harmony to our lives. forgiveness is not something we have to strain ourselves to do. Forgiveness helps you move forward. No one benefits from forgiveness more than the one who forgives.

Give yourselves the gift of forgiveness today. Maaf zahir batin to all.

" The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong - Mahatma Gandhi"

So there. perhaps a little sentimental, but so real. Touching isn't it?

Again, Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin.


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